Results for 'José María García Gómez-Heras'

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  1. María G. Navarro: Interpretar argumentando.José María García Gómez-Heras - 2011 - Isegoría 44:366-372.
    Escribir hoy en día un libro sobre hermenéutica, que tal hermenéutica se refiera a la desarrollada por G. Gadamer en su conocido Verdad y método y que se pretenda añadir algo nuevo a lo mucho escrito sobre el tema parecería, a primera vista, empresa irrealizable. Que ambas pretensiones inspiren la sólida monografía de María G. Navarro —titulada Interpretar y argumentar— constituye empresa audaz y arriesgada, plena de coraje innovador, que provoca admiración, curiosidad e interés. Contra lo que pudiera parecer (...)
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  2. José María G. Gómez Heras. “Bioética y ecología. Los valores de la naturaleza como norma moral”. [REVIEW]Miguel Acosta - 2014 - Anuario Filosófico 47 (2):477-480.
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  3. (1 other version)Transference, or identity theories of causation?María José García-Encinas - 2004 - Theoria 19 (1):31-47.
    Transference theorists propose to explain causation in terms of the transference of a physical element. I argue, in two steps, that this is not possible. First, I show that available accounts of ‘transference’ ultimately convey that transference -and, consequently, causation- is the (non-relational) identity over time of the transferred element (a universal, a trope, or even an absolute substance). But, second, I try to defend, it is conceptually impossible that causation is (non-relational) identity.
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  4. La formación de valores en las nuevas generaciones.José Ramón Fabelo-Corzo, Cintio Viter, María Isabel Domínguez, Fernando González & Gilberto García Batista - 1996 - La Habana, Cuba: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales.
    A inicio de los años 90 la sociedad cubana se enfrentaba a un proceso de profundas transformaciones internas como consecuencia de los cambios en la esfera de las relaciones internacionales, el recrudecimiento del bloqueo de Estados Unidos y la necesidad de insertarse en la nueva dinámica de las relaciones económicas mundiales después de desaparecida la URSS y el socialismo este-europeo. Todo ello tuvo un importante impacto en los valores de la sociedad cubana, especialmente en los jóvenes. En razón de ello, (...)
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  5. Prioridades de la Organización Mundial de la Salud para 2020-2030: una mirada bioética I.Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal, María José Balseca-Ruiz, Claudia Becerra-Ríos, Nair Janethe Díaz-Delgado, Laura Montoya-Sánchez, Gloria Amparo Portilla-Camacho, Nathalia Tafur-Gómez, Juliana Vallejo-Echavarría, Carlos Arturo Trujillo-Quezada & Juan José Rey-Serrano - 2023 - Revista Colombiana de Neumología 35:65-76.
    Justo antes de la pandemia por COVID-19, la Organización Mundial de la Salud definió unas prioridades de trabajo para la década 2020-2030. Un grupo interdisciplinario de profesionales de la salud reflexiona sobre estas prioridades, determinando unas categorías de análisis y, desde una perspectiva bioética, analiza cada una de ellas, ve su pertinencia, algunos eventos causales, las implicaciones que pueden tener si no son enfrentadas adecuadamente y hace sugerencias sobre la forma de llevarlas a cabo. En esta primera entrega se analiza (...)
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  6. Work Environment and Its Influence on Job Burnout and Organizational Commitment of BPO Agents.Denise Aleia Regoso, Anthony Perez, Joshua Simon Villanueva, Anna Monica Jose, Timothy James Esquillo, Ralph Lauren Agapito, Maria Ashley Garcia, Franchezka Ludovico & Jhoselle Tus - 2023 - Psychology and Education: A Multidisciplinary Journal 9 (1):951-961.
    Job burnout, organizational commitment, and work environment continue to be important areas of research to be studied in the realm of company employment and employee retention. Job burnout is the state of physical and emotional exhaustion and perceiving one’s profession as dull or overwhelming. Meanwhile, organizational commitment refers to the company’s attitude towards the organization and their employees, encompassing loyalty, moral responsibility, and their willingness to work. And lastly, work environment provides opportunities for employees to establish connections, develop skills, and (...)
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    Prioridades OMS para 2020-2030: una mirada bioética II.Gilberto A. Gamboa-Bernal, María José Balseca-Ruiz, Claudia Becerra-Ríos, Nair Yaneth Díaz-Delgado, Laura Montoya-Sánchez, Gloria Amparo Portilla-Camacho, Nathalia Tafur-Gómez, Juliana Vallejo- Echavarría, Carlos Arturo Trujillo-Quesada & Juan José Rey-Serrano - 2024 - Revista Colombiana de Neumología 36 (1):78-86.
    Las prioridades estratégicas que definió la Organización Mundial de la Salud para su labor en la década 2020-2030 son el sustrato de este trabajo. El mismo grupo interdisciplinario de profesionales de la salud que reflexionó en la primera entrega sobre las prioridades relacionadas con lograr poblaciones más sanas, continúa con otras prioridades orientadas a lograr una cobertura sanitaria universal y un mejor manejo de las emergencias sanitarias. En las conclusiones de la segunda entrega se destaca la importancia de desarrollar cada (...)
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  8. Human rights in women victims of sexual violence in the armed conflict: A systematic review.Nubia Hernández-Flórez, José Darío Argüello-Rueda, Alvaro Lhoeste-Charris, Isneila Martinez-Gómez, Andrea Liliana Ortíz-González, Maria José Orozco-Santander & Victoria Eugenia González Martelo - 2022 - Ciencia Latina 6 (6):2761-2796..
    The purpose of this article was focused on analyzing the adjacent factors related to human rights in women victims of sexual violence in the context of the armed conflict. The quantitative method of descriptive approach was selected under the systematic review technique using the PRISMA guide. As a result, it was obtained that women continue to be instrumentalized in wars, their physical and psychosocial vulnerability persisting in all spheres of life; This being a phenomenon that continues to growglobally given the (...)
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  9. El pensamiento filosófico-cristiano contemporáneo en América Latina.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 1998 - In Mildred Ballares Rodríguez (ed.), Filosofía en América Latina. pp. 408-419.
    Luego de un rápido bosquejo de las etapas por las que ha pasado el pensamiento filosófico-cristiano en América Latina, el trabajo se concentra en la principales tendencias y autores en el período que va de la década del 40 del siglo XX hasta el momento que se publica el ensayo en 1998.
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  10. Para un estudio del pensamiento estético mexicano del siglo XX. [REVIEW]José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2007 - Revista Casa de Las Américas 248:155-157.
    Reseña al libro de María Rosa Palazón Mayoral titulado "La estética en México. Siglo XX. Diálogo entre filósofos". El libro reseñado es de gran importancia al compilar las propuestas teóricas sobre el tema de pensadores tan destacados como Antonio Caso, José Vasconcelos, Alfonso Reyes, Samuel Ramos, Eduardo Nicol, María Zambrano, Ramón Xirau, Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez, Joaquín Sánchez Mcgrégor, Bolívar Echeverría, Néstor García Canclini, María Noël Lapoujade, Ana María Martínez de la Escalera, Silvia Durán Payán (...)
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  11. TRANSFERÊNCIA DE EMBRIÕES EM BOVINOS: Revisão de literatura.José Pedro Ferreira Machado, Lázaro Kalliu Assis Oliveira & Wesley Paulo Alves de Lima - 2023 - Dissertation, Centro Universitário Una Jataí
    RESUMO A Transferência de Embrião (TE) em bovinos se trata de uma técnica mundialmente disseminada com objetivo de aumentar a capacidade reprodutiva da fêmea. Mantém vínculo direto com outras técnicas das biotecnologias da reprodução, como, a Ovum Pick-Up (OPU), Produção In Vitro e In Vivo de embriões (PIVE) e Transferência de Embrião em Tempo Fixo (TETF), sendo estas, técnicas que fazem parte de um processo, que vai desde a seleção de doadoras, passando pelo preparo dos embriões até sua inovulação em (...)
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  12. Considerações legais e forenses do aborto infeccioso bovino na “Saúde Única”: Revisão (18th edition).Jackson Barros Do Amaral, Vinícius José Moreira Nogueira & Wendell da Luz Silva (eds.) - 2024 - Londrina: Pubvet.
    In Brazil, the social demand for veterinary expertise is growing. However, there is still a shortage of professionals trained in this area to apply specific knowledge to each case. Studies and research into forensic veterinary medicine are necessary for veterinary experts to assist in investigations and legal proceedings. Veterinary medicine has subjects on its curriculum that cover the knowledge needed to apply in the fields of animal health, public health and the environment. The interaction between human and veterinary medicine, as (...)
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  13. La industria cultural y su relación con el valor de la producción musical.José Ramón Fabelo Corzo & Ernesto García Cabrera - 2013 - In Ramon Patino Espino & José Antonio Pérez Diestre (eds.), Universalidad y variedad en la estética y el arte. pp. 259-266.
    El trabajo cuestiona críticamente cierta visión extrema y unilateral apreciable en Adorno y Horkheimer al juzgar la relación de la industria cultural con la música. Es cierto que hoy prácticamente toda actividad humana se encuentra condiciona¬da por el mercado y que la música no es una excepción. Ella también es portadora de valor de cambio que tiende a ser dominante en los marcos de la industrial cultural. Pero es plausible que dentro de las industrias culturales mismas se empezara a hacer (...)
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  14. Vigencia del pensamiento de Gramsci.Jose Maria Laso - 1979 - El Basilisco 6:73.
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  15. Emergent narrativity.José Angel García Landa - manuscript
    This paper deals with those dimensions of narrative which define it as such (i.e. narrativity). It examines some current conceptions of narrativity, and puts forward an emergentist theory of narrativity, one which takes into account the narrative structuring effected by narratological analysis itself as a distinct cognitive activity.
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  16. Goffman: La realidad como expectativa autocumplida y el teatro de la interioridad (Goffman: Reality as self-fulfilling expectation and the theatre of interiority).José Angel García Landa - manuscript
    A critical exposition, in Spanish, of Erving Goffman's theories on the semiotic organization of social reality and on the structure of subjectivity and subjective experience (two sides of the same coin) through a detailed analysis of the conclusion to Frame Analysis (1974). Goffman's insights into the interactional nature of subjectivity are related to other theorists' conceptions of the role of reflexivity in perception, consciousness and the structuring of semiotic artifacts (language, narrative, art).
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  17. Sobre la narración conversacional (On conversational narrative).José Angel García Landa - unknown
    This is a review essay on narrative phenomena in conversation, structured as a commentary and critique of Neal Norrick's book, Conversational Narrative (Amsterdam: Benjamins, 2000). Written in Spanish.
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  18. EL RELATIVISMO FILOSÓFICO.Miguel Acosta & José María Garrido (eds.) - 2005 - Madrid, Spain: Instituto de Humanidades Ángel Ayala-CEU (Fundación Universitaria San Pablo CEU).
    Esta obra compila los estudios presentados en las I Jornadas de Filosofía del Instituto CEU de Humanidades Ángel Ayala y está prologada por Abelardo Lobato, O. P. Los filósofos tienen el deber de buscar y alcanzar la verdad apelando a las fuerzas de la razón, la cual, por cierto, no impide otras vías genuinas de conocimiento, como la fe. La búsqueda intelectual exige un trabajo de análisis que debe afinarse ante las obcecaciones que a menudo se interponen en el horizonte (...)
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    Relaciones y fronteras: escritos jurídico-sociales.José María Haro Salvador & Juan Carlos Valderrama Abenza - 2022 - Madrid: CEU Ediciones. Edited by Valderrama Abenza & C. Juan.
    En 1960 ingresaba José María Haro Salvador en la Real Academia Valenciana de Jurisprudencia y Legislación con un discurso titulado «Relaciones y fronteras entre la Caridad y la Justicia». Tomaba cuerpo ahí la experiencia dilatada de un jurista cuya pasión por lo social le había conducido de forma absolutamente natural desde su juventud hacia los problemas jurídicos relacionados con el mundo del trabajo y la promoción social de los obreros. Era en una época, además, marcada por un importante (...)
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  20. Netiqueta, cortesía, estrategia y sabiduría (Netiquette, politeness, strategy and wisdom).José Angel García Landa - manuscript
    This paper provides a pragmatic framework for the analysis of argumentation and written interaction in computer-mediated communication (e.g. in forums or blogs). Grice's maxims are supplemented with a theory of linguistic politeness derived from Leech, which is in turn subordinated to a strategic theory of interaction and finally to a theory of aims and action, as defined in ideology and philosophy. Netiquette, politeness, strategy and wisdom are therefore structurally subordinated to each other in the overall theory of human action which (...)
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  21. Blogs and the narrativity of experience.José Angel García Landa - 2008 - Information Systems: Behavioral and Social Methods Working Papers Series 2 (6).
    This paper undertakes an analysis of the narrativity of a form of discourse which has appeared recently (blogs) within the framework of an emergentist theory of narrativity and its discursive modes. The narrative/discursive characteristics of blogs emerge from a preexistent ground of more basic or less specific communicative practices; and narrative discursivity itself is an emergent phenomenon with respect to other cognitive and experiential phenomena. A number of formal and communicative characteristics of blog writing and of the blogosphere are discussed (...)
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  23. Naturalism, non-factualism, and normative situated behaviour.Manuel Heras-Escribano & Manuel de Pinedo-García - 2018 - South African Journal of Philosophy 37 (1):80-98.
    This paper argues that the normative character of our unreflective situated behaviour is not factual. We highlight a problematic assumption shared by the two most influential trends in contemporary philosophy of cognitive science, reductionism and enactivism. Our intentional, normative explanations are referential, descriptive or factual. Underneath this assumption lies the idea that only facts can make true or false our attributions of cognitive, mental and agential abilities. We will argue against this view by describing the main features and problems of (...)
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  24. Enactivism, action and normativity: a Wittgensteinian analysis.Manuel Heras-Escribano, Jason Noble & Manuel De Pinedo García - 2015 - Adaptive Behavior 23 (1):20-33.
    In this paper, we offer a criticism, inspired by Wittgenstein’s rule-following considerations, of the enactivist account of perception and action. We start by setting up a non-descriptivist naturalism regarding the mind and continue by defining enactivism and exploring its more attractive theoretical features. We then proceed to analyse its proposal to understand normativity non-socially. We argue that such a thesis is ultimately committed to the problematic idea that normative practices can be understood as private and factual. Finally, we offer a (...)
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  25. The only wrong cell is the dead one: On the enactive approach to normativity.Manuel Heras-Escribano, Jason Noble & Manuel De Pinedo García - 2013 - In Heras-Escribano Manuel, Noble Jason & Pinedo García Manuel De (eds.), Pietro Liò et al. (eds.) Advances in Artificial Life (ECAL 2013). pp. 665-670.
    In this paper we challenge the notion of ‘normativity’ used by some enactive approaches to cognition. We define some varieties of enactivism and their assumptions and make explicit the reasoning behind the co-emergence of individuality and normativity. Then we argue that appealing to dispositions for explaining some living processes can be more illuminating than claiming that all such processes are normative. For this purpose, we will present some considerations, inspired by Wittgenstein, regarding norm-establishing and norm-following and show that attributions of (...)
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  26. Interacción Internalizada: El desarrollo especular del lenguaje y del orden simbólico (Internalized interaction: The specular development of language and the symbolic order).José Angel García Landa - manuscript
    This paper expounds a symbolic interactionist theory of consciousness as an emergent phenomenon. It relates Michael Arbib's theory of the origin of language and Erving Goffman's frame analysis, especially as it bears on our understanding of the subject and of personal experience. Reflexivity and fictional mimesis are shown to be inherent to the origin of language and to the continuing emergent creativity of human communicative action. The emergent aspect of consciousness is also dealt with from the perspective of a narrative (...)
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  27. Tecnologías de manipulación del tiempo (Technologies of temporal manipulation).José Angel García Landa - manuscript
    This paper points out the technological continuum between information and communication technology (ICT) and narrative structuring, which is defined as the original multimedial technology of temporal manipulation. Its interdisciplinary perspective on the semiotics of temporal representation will be of interest to narratologists, communication theorists and bloggers.
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  28. (2 other versions)Epistemic Injustice in the Education of People with Mental Disabilities.José Álvarez Sanchez & Ana María Rosas Rodríguez - 2022 - Educação and Realidade 1 (47).
    ABSTRACT – Epistemic Injustice in the Education of People with Mental Disabilities. This article offers a perspective on inclusive education based on Fricker’s conception of epistemic injustice. What is the relationship be- tween inclusive education and epistemic injustice in the case of students with mental deficiencies? By adapting Fricker’s thesis to this extreme case, epistemic injustice can be explored via the social model of disability (SMD). Accordingly, we propose that epistemic injustice harms the entire educa- tional community and society. -/- (...)
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  29. Positive Aesthetics : claims and problems.María José Alcaraz León - 2010 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 45 (1):15-25.
    In this paper I present an overview of the doctrine known as Positive Aesthetics regarding aesthetic judgements about nature. According to this view, all pristine nature is always beautiful and, generally, although not necessarily, human intervention tends to introduce ugliness in nature. One of the strong practical motivations behind this claim is an attempt to ground our reasons to preserve natural environments in aesthetic reasons. Positive Aesthetics has been defended within contrary approaches to nature appreciation such as the cognitivists and (...)
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  30. Fray Luis de León y la interpretación de la Sagrada Escritura. La influencia de San Agustín.María Martín Gómez - 2011 - Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval 18:211-222.
    On March 27, 1572 Fray Luis de Leon was imprisoned, among other reasons, because according to his informers, fray Luis, in addition to «be a friend of novelties» has argued that to understand the Sacred Scripture is not necessary the scholastic Theology. Fray Luis, who was always opposed to this view, will try to defend himself on the basis of the work De doctrina christiana of St.Augustine and putting forward that to correctly interpret Scripture is necessary the scholastic Theology, but (...)
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  31. Ordinary Expression and Musical Expressiveness.María José Alcaraz León - 2014 - Aisthesis. Practiche, Linguaggi E Saperi Dell’Estetico 1 (6):267-284.
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  32. La identidad intertextual: La misteriosa llamada de la reina Loana (The Intertextual Self: The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana).José Angel García Landa - manuscript
    This is a review of Umberto Eco's novel La misteriosa fiamma della regina Loana (2004) with a special focus on its portrayal of the self and memory, and reflections on the way the novel's treatment reveals the intertextual makeup of personal identity and of ideology, and their grounding in a specific cultural and discursive environment. -/- Note: Downloadable file is in Spanish: "La identidad intertextual: La misteriosa llamada de la reina Loana".
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  33. Do Sujeito e da Máquina a Partir do Ensino de Lacan.Maria José Barbosa - 2014 - Dissertation, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
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  34. Cognitive Abduction in the Study of Visual Culture.María G. Navarro & Noemi de Haro García - 2012 - Philosophy and Cognitive Science. Western and Eastern Studies 2:205-220.
    In this paper art history and visual studies, the disciplines that study visual culture, are presented as a field whose conjectural paradigm can be used to understand the epistemic problems associated with abduction. In order to do so, significant statements, concepts and arguments from the work of several specialists in this field have been highlighted. Their analysis shows the fruitfulness and potential for understanding the study of visual culture as a field that is interwoven with the assumptions of abductive cognition.
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  35. Imperio y causalidad en Tomás de Aquino.María Teresa Enríquez Gómez & Jorge Martín Montoya Camacho - 2021 - Scientia et Fides 9 (1):329-355.
    Ante ciertos modelos causales del agente libre inspirados en Tomás de Aquino, resulta interesante atender al modelo causal presentado por Tomás mismo, especialmente en un texto a partir del cual se puede rastrear la exposición de la acción libre como el efecto de los cuatro sentidos causales aristotélicos. Se trata de la cuestión sobre los actos imperados (ST I–II, q. 17); en cuyos primeros cuatro artículos –y en sus textos paralelos– determina que la voluntad es causa agente; la razón práctica, (...)
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  36. From Conceptual Content in Big Apes and AI, to the Classical Principle of Explosion: An Interview with Robert B. Brandom [Del contenido conceptual en los grandes monos e IA, hasta el principio de explosión clásico: una entrevista con Robert B. Brandom].María José Frápolli & Kurt Wischin - 2019 - Disputatio. Philosophical Research Bulletin 8 (9).
    In this Interview, Professor Robert B. Brandom answered ten detailed questions about his philosophy of Rational Pragmatism and Semantic Expressivism, grouped into four topics. 1. Metaphysics and Anthropology, 2. Pragmatics and Semantics, 3. Epistemic Expressivism and 4. Philosophy of Logic. With his careful answers Professor Brandom offers many additional insights into his rigorously constructed account of the relationship “between what we say and think, and what we are saying and thinking about” around the human practice of asking for and giving (...)
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  37. Ensayando el blog - Qué aporta tu post (Essaying the blog - Your post's contribution).José Angel García Landa - manuscript
    A discussion, in Spanish, on blogs as a discursive and literary genre. The first section of this paper explores an analogy between the generic characteristics of essay-writing and those of blogging, as modes of tentative, processual textual practice. Blogs open up a new age for essay-writing, in a medium well suited to develop some characteristics of the genre. The second section of the paper puts forward some parameters to gauge a number of dimensions of originality and relevance in blog posts, (...)
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  38. La inocencia del origen: Continuum materno, parto y libertad.María José Binetti - 2018 - Journal of Philosophical Criticism 1 (1):5-30.
    La conciencia falogocéntrica se funda en el a priori incondicional de carácter ético-metafísico que sostiene la criminalización universal del ser como efecto de una culpa o caída original. Nacer supone para esta conciencia un pecado y la realidad material representa para ella un lugar de exilio, extrañeza y alienación. Sin embargo, cuando uno retrocede sobre la protohistoria de la conciencia humana, sorprende la determinación de integridad y sacralidad que el pensamiento primitivo le atribuye a lo real. Para la conciencia primitiva, (...)
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  39. Wilde y el enigma de la esfinge (Wilde and the Riddle of the Sphinx).José Angel García Landa - manuscript
    Oscar Wilde's The Critic as Artist is shown to foreshadow some key concepts of poststructuralist interpretive theory - such as the necessary interplay of blindness and insight in criticism (Lacan, Paul de Man), or the retroactive effect of interpretation in the construction of the work. More specifically, Wilde's reading of the riddle of the Sphinx in a passage of this work both theorizes and dramatizes the paradoxical relationship between blindness and insight, in the shape of an ironic prophecy which can (...)
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  40. Políticas de la subjetividad urbana. Baudelaire Y Benjamin.Juan José Gómez Gutiérrez - 2018 - Alpha (Osorno) 46:277-286.
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  41. Filosofía de la praxis como crítica de la hegemonía en Antonio Gramsci.Juan José Gómez Gutiérrez - 2018 - Ideas Y Valores 67 (166):93-114.
    RESUMEN Se exploran las relaciones entre hegemonía y filosofía de la praxis en A. Gramsci. Se examina la influencia de la filosofía hegeliana sobre estas nociones en los Cuadernos de la cárcel. Asimismo, se estudia la crítica a estas nociones a la luz del feminismo de la diferencia y del debate sobre hegemonía, universalidad y contingencia iniciado por E. Laclau, J. Butler y S. Žižek. Se concluye que concebir la hegemonía desde la perspectiva de la filosofía de la praxis significa (...)
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  42. Batallas culturales en torno al clasicismo.Juan José Gómez Gutiérrez - 2008 - Fragmentos de Filosofía 6 (6):115-142.
    Los valores fascistas calaron, de un modo u otro, en todas las manifestaciones del arte italiano de entreguerras. Sin embargo, no todas las manifestaciones del arte fascista fueron el resultado de nacionalismo exacerbado, provincialismo y aislacionismo. Los conceptos de ‘romanità’, ‘italianità’, ‘latinità, o ‘mediterraneità’, que caracterizaban la producción cultural italiana de esos años, actuaron originalmente como matriz de estilos diferentes y susceptibles de diversas interpretaciones.
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  43. Is there a specific sort of knowledge from fictional works?María José Alcaraz León - 2016 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 35 (3):21-46.
    Reflection on the nature and value of fiction has often paid attention to the possibility of acquiring knowledge through engaging with fictional works. The alleged imaginative character of fiction appreciation and the sort of emotional responses that fiction is able to prompt in the viewer have been frequently invoked in order to explain the peculiar cognitive value that fictions may possess. In this paper, I would like to question whether fiction as such possesses a specific kind of value. Although I (...)
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    Optimismo racional. Desacuerdos profundos y expresivismo normativo.Maria J. Frapolli & José Andrés Forero-Mora - 2024 - In Gustavo Arroyo (ed.), Desacuerdos profundos: debates y aproximaciones. Buenos Aires: UNGS. pp. 151-176.
    Mostraremos que el desacuerdo entre pesimistas y optimistas sobre la resolución racional de los desacuerdos profundos no se ubica en el nivel del contenido, de lo que están diciendo, sino en uno diferente. Para mostrar por qué es así, proponemos detenernos en el funcionamiento lógico-semántico del término clave en este desacuerdo: “racional”. Iniciaremos con el repaso de algunos argumentos que pesimistas y optimistas han esgrimido en su discusión, y comprobaremos la diferencia de estándares ya mencionada (sección 1); luego, nos detendremos (...)
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  45. Intellect et imagination dans la philosophie médiévale = Intellect and imagination in medieval philosophy = Intelecto e imaginaçao na filosofia medieval: actes du XIe Congrès international de philosophie médiévale de la Société internationale pour l'étude de la philosophie médiévale, S.I.E.P.M., Porto, du 26 au 31 août 2002.Maria Cândida da Costa Reis Monteiro Pacheco & José Francisco Meirinhos (eds.) - 2004 - Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
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  46. La colonialidad del ser. La infravaloración de la vida humana en el sur global.Juan Antonio Mujica García & José Ramón Fabelo Corzo - 2019 - Estudios de Filosofía Práctica E Historia de Las Ideas 21:1-9.
    El presente escrito tiene por objeto tematizar la colonialidad del ser en el sur-global. Para ello, se identifican, por una parte, las diferencias entre el colonialismo y la colonialidad y, por otro lado, se analiza la emergencia del sintagma colonialidad del ser en el marco de las teorías de la colonialidad, las cuales se sitúan, como punto de partida, en la obra de Aníbal Quijano. La colonialidad del ser consiste en la infravaloración o inferiorización cultural de la vida humana colonizada. (...)
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  47. Indiscernible Properties, Discernible Artworks.Maria Jose Alcaraz - 2004 - Postgraduate Journal of Aesthetics 1 (3):136-146.
    In this paper I will try to trace a discussion about status of art in some recent theories, which pay special attention to the fact that artworks are the kind of things to which representational, expressive, and aesthetic properties are ascribed. First, I will briefly mention some already established criticisms—developed by Richard Wollheim1—against the idea that artworks cannot be identified with physical objects. These criticisms have the further aim of providing an account of art experience that includes our perceiving representational (...)
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  48. A Modal Logic to Reason about Analogical Proportion.José David García Cruz - 2016 - Studia Metodologiczne 37 (1):73-96.
    A modal logic for representing analogical proportions is presented. This logic is a modal interpretation of H. Prade and G. Richard's homogeneous analogy. A tableaux system is given with some examples an intuitions.
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  49. Los Blogs y la Narratividad de la Experiencia.José Ángel García Landa - 2009 - In Rosario González & Azucena Penas (eds.), Estudios sobre el Texto: Nuevos enfoques y propuestas. pp. 303-322.
    This paper undertakes an analysis of the narrativity of a form of discourse which has appeared recently (blogs) within the framework of an emergentist theory of narrativity and its discursive modes. The narrative/discursive characteristics of blogs emerge from a preexistent ground of more basic or less specific communicative practices; and narrative discursivity itself is an emergent phenomenon with respect to other cognitive and experiential phenomena. A number of formal and communicative characteristics of blog writing and of the blogosphere are discussed (...)
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  50. Autism: the micro-movement perspective.Elizabeth B. Torres, Maria Brincker, Robert W. Isenhower, Polina Yanovich, Kimberly Stigler, John I. Nurnberger, Dimitri N. Metaxas & Jorge V. Jose - 2013 - Frontiers Integrated Neuroscience 7 (32).
    The current assessment of behaviors in the inventories to diagnose autism spectrum disorders (ASD) focus on observation and discrete categorizations. Behaviors require movements, yet measurements of physical movements are seldom included. Their inclusion however, could provide an objective characterization of behavior to help unveil interactions between the peripheral and the central nervous systems. Such interactions are critical for the development and maintenance of spontaneous autonomy, self-regulation and voluntary control. At present, current approaches cannot deal with the heterogeneous, dynamic and stochastic (...)
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